Saturday, April 2, 2011

24 Weeks/ still hospitalized

................. it's taking me so much time to write this post because I can't seem to stay awake, I seemed to loose all my thoughts.
So here I am still in the hospital, there's great chance of me leaving today. The past 4 days have been very rough for me. I have been hooked to all of the wire with  bags of IV coming in every 4 hours. I'm so exhausted but the pain does not want to go away. I am taking heavy dose of pain killer and Somehow the sickle cell is trying to fight this war. I have been through this battle before but now that I'm carrying a child its so different. The main concern right now is the baby and thank God my baby boy is doing wonderfully. Right now I have to take all the precautions because I can't afford to be hospitalized again. I have 3 months to go and with the power of Lord Savior I will be okay.
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1 comment:

Valerie A. Smith, M.Ed said...

When I first ment you, I was so amazed by your strength! You are an inspiration to me and many! Trust in GOD and he will make it ALL right. Don't worry I have your back because me and many others are praying for you and your baby boy!..hugz n kisses--Valerie