Last Wednesday evening(7/21) my sister received a disturbing phone call from my cousin Wanex who lives in Haiti. Well, it was a very intense conversation when he told my sister that he was mugged on Monday morning (7/19). He was on his way to school when the incident occurred, after he got off the bus 2 men on a motorcycle followed and circled him against the wall, they demanded his wallet, his watch and his cell phone. When the muggers realized that he was being persistent about giving them his wallet, they slapped him and took his belongings. During the confrontation there were people passing by, and they told my cousin to act cool like nothing is going on and if he said something he will get shot. My cousin survived this ordeal by the grace of GOD and while the robbers were shouting at him he kept on praying and finally they let him go. My cousin Wanex found a neighbor who helped him with the cab money to go back home. After everything that Wanex had gone through back in January when the
earthquake hit the country, we kept on praying that everything would be okay with him and everyone else.
Haiti is a country where the living situation has gotten worse and worse and for the citizens of that country it's a disgrace that they can't live freely. What happened to Wanex is happening everyday to the locals, the girls are being rapped while their family are being forced to look the other way. The government is no help to this country, there's no security, the robbers are walking around with guns and seize people's property.. with all the money and aid that went to Haiti over the last 6 months, WHY HAS ANYONE GOTTEN THE HELP THEY NEED? I AM UPSET WITH THE HAITIANS GOVERNMENT, THESE PEOPLE ARE ONLY FEEDING THEIR FAMILY, ANOTHER DISTURBING FACT IS THAT NONE OF THESE STORIES ARE BEING REPORTED ON INTERNATIONAL TV. The country is crying out loud for food day and night, the pain is real in the faces of the Haitians. This troubled country really need a change, the children of that country has no hope, and see no future... It really amazes me to see a country with so much resources turns out to be so dysfunctional and corrupted. I really hope one day things will get better for all Haitians.. Let the light shine on HAITI....